heather@komako.net.nz +64 3 444 9324

Komako Peonies Garden


With blooms so luscious and vibrant it's not surprising that the peony rose is often referred to as the King of Flowers.

Here in semi-arid Central Otago we have the perfect growing conditions for this queen. Hot, dry summers and cold, dry winters. In fact, frosts are a necessary part of successfully growing peonies. It sets the buds in the ground, encourages stem strength and influences the colour quality of blooms.. For many years we grew peonies primarily for export but these days we maintain our peonies beds for local sale and the enjoyment of ourselves and guest staying at Komako Peonies and Cottage Garden Accommodation. We also cut enough so that guests can take home memories of staying with us that properly cared for can last up to 10 days in a vase. We'll package and ship to our guests' home towns but do remember to top up vase water and change it regularly.

Something else to remember, the peonies season is short. Just 8 to 10 weeks from late spring to mid-summer (November to late January). A wonderfully colourful time of year to stay with us.

Elsewhere at Komako Peonies and Cottage Garden Accommodation you will find a massive array of flower and shrub plantings with nooks and crannies to relax away all thise stresses of urban living.

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